Adding Files

Files can be added directly to a specific workspace or uploaded to the Files section of the Content Library for convenient reuse. In a Flow workspace, there are two areas where files can be added - the Files section and the Chat section. Users can effortlessly upload files from the computer or pull files from the content library into a workspace.

Adding Files from the Files Section in a Flow Workspace

To add files from the Files section, select Add. Then upload files directly from your computer or from the Content Library.

Once the file is uploaded, it is also shown in the chat section and all members of the workspace are notified.

Adding Files from the Chat Section in a Flow Workspace

To add a file in the chat section, either drag and drop the file into the chat, or click the ‘File’ paperclip icon and select File. Upload files directly from your computer or from the content library.

Adding files from the chat section in a workspace (1) (1).png

All documents added in the chat section are automatically added to the Files section of the workspace.

Adding Files to the Content Library

Users have the option to add and store files in the Content Library, within the Library. The Content Library's Files section in the Library tab is specifically designed to store frequently reused files. Any files uploaded to the Content Library can be easily added to any workspace later.

To upload files to the content library:

  1. Click on Library in the top navigation bar.
  2. On the left panel, click on Files under the Content Library section. 
  3. Click Create. A drop down will appear.
  4. Then click Upload file or Folder to add files or create folders and subfolders. This will help with organizing important documents in the Content Library.