Manage Workspace Members

This article will go over transferring workspace ownership, resending workspace invitations, and removing users from a workspace. 

Transfer Ownership

Only the workspace owner has access to transfer workspace ownership to another internal user. 

To transfer ownership as the workspace owner:

  1. Open the workspace members panel by clicking on one of the workspace members icons, or by clicking the '...' ellipses icon then selecting Members
  2. Click ‘...’ next to the member that you would like to make the owner.
  3. Click Transfer Ownership.  

You can only transfer ownership to another internal user. Once you transfer ownership, you are able to leave the workspace if you would like to. 

Admins also have the ability to transfer workspace ownership for any user from the Admin Portal.

To transfer ownership in a chat workspace, click the 'Members' icon on the top right of the workspace. Then follow steps 2-3 from above. 

Resend Invitation

Any internal user that is a member of a workspace can resend workspace invitations to users who have not joined. 

To resend an invitation:

  1. Click on '...' ellipses icon in the flow workspace, or the member profile icons. Then click Members
  2. Click Not Joined to the right of the user that you would like to resend the invitation to.
  3. Click Resend Invitation. The user will receive a new email invite in their email inbox. 

Remove Users

Any internal user that is a member of a workspace can remove users from the workspace. The workspace owner cannot be removed until they transfer ownership.  

To remove a user from a workspace:

  1. Click on the '...' ellipses icon in the flow workspace, or on one of the member icons. Then click Members
  2. Click ‘...’ ellipsis icon next to the member that you would like to remove.
  3. Click Remove from Workspace.

In a chat workspace, click the 'Members' icon in the top right of the workspace to open the members panel. Then follow the same steps listed above to invite, transfer ownership, or remove a user from the workspace.