
In Moxo, the Acknowledgement action is a way to get users to acknowledge that they have read some information that you’ve shared with them. For instance, use an acknowledgement to obtain agreement to terms and conditions of service, confirm understanding of operating procedures on a project or process, acknowledge the review of a specific file, and much more.

Create an Acknowledgement

Users can create a new Acknowledgement in a workspace or use an action template from the Content Library. 

To add a new Acknowledgement in a flow workspace:

  1. Click the ‘...’ icon in the Flow section of the workspace. 
  2. Select Add New Action from the drop down menu. Then select Acknowledgement from the pop up box. 
  3. Determine where you would like to add the new Acknowledgement, then lick +Add here accordingly.
  4. Click New Acknowledgement.
    • You can select an existing action template here instead, then click continue.
  1. Enter the Title of your Acknowledgement. A title is required.

  2. Add optional details to the Acknowledgement for clarity, including a Description of the action, an Attachment of any relevant file, and a Due Date. You can:
    • Attach a File from your computer
    • Attach a File from the Content Library
    • Attach File from a workspace
    • Attach a Weblink to send the user to a platform outside of Moxo to continue the task
    • Users can exclude weekends when setting due dates for actions. When enabled, weekends will be skipped in the calculation of due dates, ensuring that deadlines fall only on weekdays.
  3. With Additional Options, you can require an assignee to open all attachments before marking the action complete. This is available only when an attachment is added to the Acknowledgement. 
  4. Enable the Require Preparation option under Additional Options, if required, to indicate whether a specific action requires preparation before proceeding.
    Only one preparer can be assigned per action, and it must be an internal user. This feature is available for all action types, except Time Booking and third-party integration actions.
  5. Assign one or multiple users to complete this Acknowledgement. You can assign the action to Client Group or Team, as well as to a Role, if created.
    • Only workspace members may be assigned to the Acknowledgement.
    • Toggle Sequential Order,  if users must acknowledge in a specific order.
      • Sequential order will start with the first user assigned and trigger each assignee in order.
      • Disabling the Sequential Order option will result in the Acknowledgement being sent simultaneously to all assignees, allowing them each to approve it at any time.
    • When there are multiple assignees, choose from the following options to determine how the acknowledgement should be completed
      • One Assignee: Selecting this option means the Acknowledgement will be completed when any assignee marks the action as complete. 
      • Majority of Assignees: Selecting this option means the Acknowledgement will be completed when over 50% of assignees mark the action as complete.
      • All Assignees: Selecting this option means the Acknowledgement will only be completed when all assignees mark the action as complete.
    • If a Client Group is assigned to an acknowledgement, all users in the group have the ability to start reviewing the acknowledgement by clicking 'Review & Acknowledge'. Once one user click Completed, the acknowledgement will be completed for all users. 

If you do not choose an Assignee, the system will automatically assign the task to you for completion.

Any user from the assigned team or group can take ownership of completing the action. Once one user completes the action, the action will complete for everyone.

You can assign an action to a role only when you are creating an instant flow workspace. 

  1. Click Add to finalize creating the new Acknowledgement. This new action will now appear in the Flow section of the workspace. 

When users want to add a new Acknowledgement to a workspace without any existing actions, they can click Acknowledgement under the list of available action types in the Flow section.


To add a new Acknowledgement in a 1:1 or Group workspace:

  1. Click the ‘+icon on the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select Acknowledgement from the pop up box. 
  3. Click New Acknowledgement.
    • You can select an existing action template here instead, then click continue.

Enter the Title of your Acknowledgement. A title is required.


To add a new Acknowledgement from New+:

  1. Click the ‘New+’ from the top navigation bar. 
  2. Select Action from the menu box. 
  3. Select the Workspace Type to add the Action.
    1. Existing Workspace
      1. Search for the Workspace by title.
      2. Click on the desired workspace.
      3. Click Next.
        1. If you have selected a Flow Workspace, select where to add the action in the Flow. 
    2. New Workspace
      1. Select Workspace type - either a Flow Workspace or Group Workspace if applicable to your Moxo plan.
      2. Title your Workspace.
      3. Click Next to create the new workspace and add the action.
  4. Then click New Acknowledgement.
    1. You can select an existing action template here instead, then click continue.


Assignee Experience

When a user is assigned an Acknowledgement, they will find it in the Flow section of the workspace. Additionally, users will receive notifications whenever an action is assigned to them, and these notifications will appear in the interaction panel.

To complete the Acknowledgement: 

  1. Click on the Acknowledgement and view the details.
  2. Type messages in the bottom bar to ask any questions or comment on the Acknowledgement.
  3. Click on Review & Acknowledge to complete.

If an additional option is required, the assignee must open the attachment before confirming acknowledgement - or they will receive an error message. In this case, the assignee will need to:

1. Click Confirm Acknowledgement once the attached file(s) has been reviewed.

2. Then click I Acknowledge to complete the Acknowledgement.

Managing Acknowledgements

In any workspace, Internal Users have the ability to add, edit, or delete actions in the Flow. 

To delete an Acknowledgement from the Flow: 

  1. Simply click on the Acknowledgement you are trying to delete in the Flow.
  2. Then click the ellipses ‘...’ icon. Here you will see options to Edit or Delete the action.

Additionally, workspace owners also have a special ability to save any action as a template in the Actions Templates section in the Library.


To Reopen an Acknowledgement from the Flow:

  1. Simply click on the completed Acknowledgement in the workspace.
  2. Then click the ellipses ‘...’ icon. Here you will see options to Reopen, Delete, or Save as Template, as shown below.
  3. Click Reopen.
  4. Review the action details. Then click Next to reopen the action and notify the assignee.