Form Elements

When creating a form from scratch, you'll encounter a range of form elements on the left-hand side toolbar. These elements are categorized into Basic, Predefined, and Layout elements. Simply drag and drop the desired elements from the tool bar into your form.

Customize each element using the options on the right-hand side, ensuring the form meets your requirements. Leverage default values, permissions, and descriptions to enhance user experience and streamline form completion. 

Here is an overview of each element category and how to effectively use them. 


Basic Form Elements

Basic elements provide essentially building blocks for your form. 

1. Single-Line Text: These elements are ideal for short text responses. 

Customization Options: 

  • Field label for your question. 
  • Placeholder text for guiding responses. 
  • Supporting text for additional context. 
  • Permissions to mark the field as required. 
  • Masked input for confidentiality. 

2. Multi-Line Text: These elements are suitable for longer responses. 

Customization Options: 

  • Row height adjustments for resizing the input area. 
  • Supporting text and permissions, similar to single-line text. 

3. Single Selection, Multi-Selection, and Drop-Down List: Use these for selecting one or multiple options from a predefined list. 

Customization Options: 

  • Add field labels and supporting text. 
  • Set default selections for faster form completion. 
  • Manage permissions to control access or visibility. 

4. Heading: Organize and structure your form with section headers. 

Customization Options:

  • Add a title and description (up to 1,000 characters). 
  • Adjust text alignment and field position. 
  • Toggle on the Image option as per requirement. Upload images and set alignment or width and add alternative text for accessibility. 

5. Image: Upload images for better visual context and adjust the field position as per requirement. 

6. File Upload: Enable users to upload files directly through a form, enhancing data collection. 

Customization Options: 

  • Define maximum file sizes and allowed file types. 
  • Add labels, supporting text, and permissions for more control. 

7. Paragraph: Add formatted text to provide detailed instructions or context. 

Customization Options: 

  • Create custom paragraph content to easily capture greater details. 



Predefined Form Elements

Predefined elements are commonly used fields for standard data collection. Available elements include Name, Address, Email Address, Phone Number, Date, Number, Currency, Signature, and more. Drag and drop these elements to simplify form creation and ensure consistent data input. 

Layout Form Elements

Layout elements help structure the form's overall appearance and usability.

1. Page Break: Add a new page to the form where necessary. 

Customization Options: Field options on the right-hand side allow you to merge pages or separate them, based on your preference. 


2. Line Separator: Create distinct visual separations between sections of your form. 

Customization Options: Use the field options to customize the placement and styling of the line separator for better clarity.