Delete Users

Deleting a user removes their access to your portal and all workspaces.

Once the user is deleted from the portal, the user’s profile will be deleted and cannot be restored. Any meetings they have scheduled will also be deleted.  

When deleting a user, any activity they have in the portal will still be visible. For example, you will still see their past activity in workspaces. Additionally, any workspaces they have created will stay intact.

To delete any user:

  1. Click Admin in the top tool bar. 
  2. A new window will automatically open taking you into the Admin portal.

  3. Inside the Admin portal, click on the Internal Users or Clients tab in the left side menu, based on the type of user you would like to delete.
  4. Click on the ellipsis ‘...’ icon to the right of the user whom you would like to delete.
  5. Click Delete User from the drop down menu.

  6. A pop up will appear confirming your understanding of what it means to delete a user. Check the boxes in the pop up after reading them carefully.
  7. Click Delete User to successfully delete the user, or Cancel.

Internal users cannot be deleted if the user has any open workspaces and active clients. You will first need to transfer their work to another internal user before deleting them.