
The Contacts section will show you all clients and internal users you are connected to inside your portal. Quickly view and access shared workspaces with another user, or connect on meetings through the Contacts section. Each contact's overview includes details like email addresses and client groups, making it easy to identify and engage with relevant stakeholders. 

The Contacts section provides a quick and easy way to locate specific users, client groups, or internal team members you need to speak with. 

Let's explore the Contact section to learn how you can effectively manage and access your connections.


Accessing the Contact section

To access the Contacts section: 

1. Click on the Manage tab in the top navigation bar.

2. On the left-hand side, select Contact. Your contacts will appear.


Once inside the Contact page, use the search bar and filter options to narrow down contacts.

Your filter options include:

·  All: You can view all contacts and start a workspace or access your existing 1:1 chat workspace with the user.

·  Internal: You can search for internal team members.

·  Teams: You can filter by teams you’ve created.

·  Clients: You can filter by clients you are mapped to.

    - All Clients: View all clients you are connected to.

    - Available Clients: See clients available for immediate communication.

·  Client Groups: You can view and select from client groups you’ve created for communication or to start a workspace.


Within each contact, you also have a number of options. 

To access these options: 

  1. Start by selecting a Contact - choose any client or internal user from your Contacts list.
  2. You will be presented with a comprehensive overview of the selected contact, which includes:

·  Availability Status: See whether the contact is available, busy, or offline.

·  Contact Information: Access their email address, or other relevant details.

·  Client Groups: View any groups the contact is associated with, if applicable.

  1. You can click on the following quick actions directly to:

·  Initiate a Chat: Start a workspace or dive into an existing 1:1 workspace with the contact.

·  Start an Instant Meeting: Start a meeting with the contact right away.

  1. You can also see the workspaces that you and the user are both a part of. This allows for easy collaboration and tracking of specific projects or processes.


By utilizing this section, you can easily find and communicate with specific contacts, whether they are internal team members or clients.